Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So I really thought that I would be better about updating this blog, guess I was wrong about that one too. oh well!!

On to the good news - MY SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY WAS APPROVED!!!!!!!! Score one for the good guys! The intial claim was of course a pain in the rear and was denied, the appeal was a piece of cake, so my advise to those going through this - keep with it, keep praying, keep good records!!

I was very fortunate that Epidermolysis Bullosa is in the "adult qualifying blue book" for social security - meaning that this disease has been determined to be so severe that after proving you have the disease and proving that you seek medical attention you can get approved. I think it was easier for me than for many other. I also had a great support system full of prayers and I want to take a minute to thank them all! You will never know how much that meant to me.

I have been to a new Derm. at Mayo Clinic who has a possible short term "treatment" for the disease, provided the insurance will pay for it. I will update you all on that as it happens. I have also seen a pain management doctor and have a bone mineral analysis tomorrow (don't know, don't ask...).

On to the sad news - Barak Obama is going to be the new president - CRAP! Oh well, I will keep praying that he is not the evil person I think him to be.

I am still waiting for a decision on my appeal from Unum (private insurance), hopefully that will be approved by the new year. I am now asking for your continued prayers for this approval as well.

thank you all so much for everything!!

Love you guys!!